Five additional Brazilian variants found in COVID-19 samples – All five cases are T&T nationals

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Five additional Brazilian variants found in COVID-19 samples – All five cases are T&T nationals

The Ministry of Health today confirmed the P1 COVID-19 variant also known as the Brazilian Variant has been detected in five  additional COVID-19 positive samples in Trinidad and Tobago.

According to the Ministry the Variants of concern were detected in cases from: St. George Central (3) and St. George West (2).

All five cases are nationals.

All contact tracing and isolation procedures are in progress, and are being managed by the relevant County Medical Officer of Health with the aim of reducing the spread of this Variant of Concern.

This brings the total local number of confirmed COVID-19 positive samples of the P1 variant to nine (9). It is important to note that the cases have no epidemiological link to each other and were identified in varying geographical locations in Trinidad and Tobago.

The COVID-19 vaccine is just one part of the overall tool kit that should be used to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, in general, and the Variants of Concern. All of the personal protective measures such as mask wearing must also be followed, even by persons who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Public adherence to the following public health measures is therefore critical:

 Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when you go out in public
 Keep your distance from others (6 feet)
 Stay home if you are ill
 Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
 Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow
 Avoid touching your face
 Clean then sanitize surfaces (e.g. table tops, door knobs and cell phones)