Dog Control Legislation To Be Reiewed

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Dog Control Legislation To Be Reiewed

There will be a review of legislation that governs dog control, stray and dangerous dogs.

This is being done to make necessary amendments and or upgrade to ensure effectiveness.

This is one of seven measures being taken to address the issue of stray dogs and dog control, according to Leader of the Government Business in the Senate, Dr Amery Browne.

He provided details on this area in a response to questions posed in the Senate by an Independent Senator on Tuesday given public concerns about the rising number of stray dogs in Trinidad and Tobago and the lack of facilities to care for them.

The government was asked to provide the reasons for the inefficient execution of duties by regional bodies in collecting and caring for stray dogs across the country and what measures are being taken to address said inefficiencies and the care of stray dog.

Responding on behalf of the Minister of Rural Development and Local Government, Dr Browne outlined some of the measures being taken to address this matter in terms of improved legislation and standards as well as  funding  to the Trinidad and Tobago  Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.