Chris Must List says he has no hard feelings and will continue promoting T&T

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Chris Must List says he has no hard feelings and will continue promoting T&T

YouTuber Christopher “Chris Must List” Hughes maintains he has done nothing wrong by publishing his video interviews with local gang members.

He says he also intends to continue his vlogging in Trinidad and Tobago in light of the love and appreciation he has received.

Hughes, in an interview with Guardian Media at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, following his release on bail Monday, assured that he will continue his vlogging because he will have to remain here to face charges of disseminating a seditious publication.

The 45-year-old father of three from Ontario, Canada, was granted $100,000 bail by Master Margaret Sookraj-Goswami and will reappear in court tomorrow. He is accused of publishing the seditious document on May 29. Hughes was released on Monday night after his bail bond was posted.

Hughes told to the media house: “I feel like I have done nothing wrong; up until today, there is no reason for me to stop doing what I’m doing. That’s what the courts will decide—if I have done something wrong or not. As of right now, I will continue to do what I have been doing.”

Hughes’ content includes videos of Point Fortin Borough Day, other festivities and some videos of men believed to be gangsters. His videos were removed from public to private mode after he was arrested. Hughes said after his arrest, other foreign content creators left the country in fear they too may be arrested.

Hughes said, “I have learnt a lesson that sometimes a country that claims to be free and has freedom of speech and press is not always the case.”

He said the notion that he should learn the laws of the countries he visits is ridiculous, as lawyers take years to do so while he visits multiple countries a year. T&T, he said, is the 128th country he has visited since he began his career some four years ago.

He described his time in custody as “the worst of the worst” but commended the police and prison authorities. There was urine and faeces on the walls as well, he said. Hughes said he lay on the bare ground with no mattress and no sunlight, so he and those in the cell were unable to tell the time of day. That, to him, was “a real mind game”.

He said the six days felt like six months, and on his first taste of freedom, he just wanted fresh air.

“Getting out and opening the window as I drove and smelling the fresh air was the moment for me that I knew I was free.”

Asked about his family, Hughes said they just want him home, but depending on how long he will have to stay here, he will want them to come here with him.

Responding to the outpouring of love and support from the population, before breaking down in tears, he said, “Amazing, amazing people!”

He added, “I don’t know what else to say. I’m a stranger here. I don’t know if I deserve this love. I’m not crying out of sadness; the people are incredible.”

The YouTuber said he has no ill feelings for the country. He resolved not to be saddened by his legal experience. He said he took it as a positive and may look at getting in shape.

“I have been here for 35 days, and I have not met one man, woman, or child who has said anything negative to me, neither before, during, or after this ordeal. The biggest fear I had in all of this was, am I going to be allowed to come back?

“I love the country; I will keep promoting the country. I have no hard feelings at all,” he said.