Charles: PM can’t beg God to help solve crime and yet have no crime-fighting initiatives

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Charles: PM can’t beg God to help solve crime and yet have no crime-fighting initiatives

“You cannot beg God to solve our crime crisis and have nothing to show in the form of well-conceived crime-fighting initiatives.”

That’s the view of Naparima MP, Rodney Charles, in response to the Prime Minister’s plea for the nation to have faith during yesterday’s National Service of Reflection and Thanksgiving at the Diplomatic Centre, in St Ann’s.

Charles said: “Scripture tells us that faith without works cannot save a man and neither a nation. Dr Rowley, read the book of James, which tells us that deeds or actions are the by-products of a living faith.

“You cannot beg God to solve our crime crisis and have nothing to show in the form of well-conceived crime-fighting initiatives. You have to have ‘works’ or a track record of performance on crime…”

Charles added, “Faith without works cannot save you Dr Rowley, even in the spiritual realm. Do the work. Then seek God’s help.”

He said Rowley needed to “beg forgiveness” for the four LMCS divers who died, nine-year-old murder victim Jamal Modest, for “illegally closing” Petrotrin, thousands of lives destroyed by floods and Rose Hill RC Primary School pupils.

“In October, Dr Rowley gave Parliament his word that he’d bring legislation to Parliament very soon to ensure that short-term acting appointments for the CoP and three DCoPs would be handled exclusively by the PSC.

“He did so when Mrs Erla Harewood-Christopher first acted for the acting CoP when he was on a short UK visit. We now once again call on Dr Rowley to bring that legislation immediately.”

He added, “That cannot be the most difficult piece of legislation to draft and bring to Parliament. Bring it, but don’t include extraneous provisions to contaminate the bill. Bring a straightforward bill, vesting powers in the Police Service Commission of making most senior TTPS acting appointments.

“Discuss it with us beforehand if you will condescend to so doing, and let’s get this convoluted, time-wasting, inefficient process over and done with,” said Charles.