Charles calls Imbert a ‘douen’ who must be removed in 2023

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Charles calls Imbert a ‘douen’ who must be removed in 2023

Naparima MP Rodney Charles, said citizens should never believe the finance minister Colm Imbert, when he promises silver and gold in 2023.

Charles made the comment in reference to Imbert Christmas Day message to the nation, in which he (Imbert) promised to go all out to help those in need in 2023.

Charles said for 2023, he is praying fervently for Imbert’s resignation, to free us from economic “douendom” characterized by persistent poverty, income inequality, increasing unemployment, pervasive disenchantment, a noticeable brain drain, and significantly reduced HSF savings.

He said despite promises of a brighter future in his New Year’s address, under Imbert, TT is forever doomed to “douendom” or “ketching our Nenen”. With Imbert, we will never achieve El Tucuche heights of sustained economic transformation, growth and prosperity.

In mythology a “douen” is a short, smiling, faceless creature with a large cap to hide the evil intent behind the sardonic smile on what passes for a face. A douen’s two feet always point backwards (even as their heels face forward) leading the unsuspecting into a forest of despair..

Charles pointed out that at the last parliamentary session the country was left in dismay as Imbert refused to acknowledge that his gas price increases and the follow through transportation costs in our economy had a significant impact on our cost of living.

He said, “Imbert shamelessly accused maxi taxi operators, none of whom are millionaires like him, of price gouging.

“Skillfully limiting his response only to the direct impact of increased gas prices, he totally ignored how higher prices at the pump indirectly affect everything else like the cost of food items at the grocery, agricultural commodities, cost of home appliances, and manufacturing which can result in higher prices across the board.”

Charles added, “Those in the transport service face direct increases in fuel prices at the pump and also higher prices from everyone else who adjusts prices because of fuel costs and with whom they must do business like mechanics and vehicle parts dealers.

“He totally ignored the impact of increased gas prices on taxi drivers caught up in traffic jams, consuming more gas with less passengers, and less trips per day due to reduced disposable incomes by passengers..Add increased maintenance costs due to potholes on poorly maintained roads and taxi drivers are caught in a real bind.”

He said, “Unlike Imbert, what choices do taxi drivers have but to increase prices by more than the increase at the pump? Only a douen would increase gas prices three times or more, note laughingly of no riots, and then blame long suffering taxi drivers for increased fares.”

Meanwhile in the US, Charles said, federal taxes were removed temporarily on gasoline this year to help lower fuel costs. Imbert steadfastly retains VAT on fuels even though he sits on $11 billion surplus revenues and informs us that he earns less than 270 million dollars from VAT sales on fuels at the pump.

He continued in his release: Under Imbert’s watch our HSF has declined precipitously. The economy has lost over 80,000 jobs. Atlantic Train 1 was shut down 2 years ago and will likely never operate again. The economy contracted by 20% in real terms under Imbert. The worst performance since the 80’s. We are still on an EU blacklist. Our Point Lisas success story is in shambles. Our refinery is no more. Ease of doing business is abysmal. Our poverty rates are increasing exponentially, chasing away potential investors due to its impact on crime.

In 2023 we must escape Imbert’s “douendom”. Our mission for 2023 must be to get rid of Colm Imbert. Just thinking that he may be considered for the presidency should give us persistent migraines.