Cabinet Take No Decision To Increase Or Decrease Vate Rate

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Cabinet Take No Decision To Increase Or Decrease Vate Rate

Cabinet takes no decision on increasing or decreasing the rate of Value Added Tax.

Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, made the disclosure in his response to comments from  Opposition Leader, Kamla Persad Bissessar,  about plans by government to increase the VAT rate.

He said the comments made could have implications for the country and made it clear the ruling administration has been transparent on this issue.

On another issue, the government defended its decision to set up the proposed Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority.

Prime Minister Rowley claimed this institution is required to aid in the effective collection of outstanding taxes.

He explained the ruling administration has added no new taxes on the population.

The remarks were made during the weekly post cabinet news briefing held at White Hall, Port of Spain, on Thursday.