All Municipal Corporations On Standby For Response Amid Impending Hurricane Beryl

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All Municipal Corporations On Standby For Response Amid Impending Hurricane Beryl

Several guidelines are issued by the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government in light of adverse weather conditions.

It says there is currently significant soil saturation which will intensify increasing risks of landslips with slow water run off leading to increased risks of flooding.

Sandbags are available for collection all 14 Municipal Corporations.

Persons are asked to contact your Disaster Management Units in your respective Corporations.

It emphasizes the need for anticipatory measures to ensure readiness and response capabilities in light of current and upcoming weather systems, specifically to:

  1. Self Help – Inspect properties, nearby drains and water courses.

Any debris or obstructions from their residential properties should be removed.

  1. Community Help – Report any debris or obstructions blocking water courses/drains in their areas to their respective Disaster Management Units.
  2. Secure belongings and property – Relocate vehicles in flood-prone areas to a secure area.

The Ministry of Works and Transport and the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government have spotted assets along the North Coast and other areas that are prone to landslides;

The Works Ministry,  HDC and other relevant agencies have indicated that pumps are operational and they are prepared.

All RDLG assets are on standby to support corporations affected by landslides, fallen trees and flash flooding.

All 14 Municipal Corporations’ Disaster Management Units are on standby, and coordination with relevant agencies ensures a unified and effective response strategy.

Citizens are encouraged to stay updated through official communication channels for updates and advisories.

The public is urged to use the preparatory time of today into tomorrow to, clear drains and water passages on their properties of debris, to report blockage or risk issues in their communities, to store water and have supplies as water turbidity involves the potential stoppage of water treatment plants.

The Ministry remains dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens during this period of increased weather activity.