Agriculture Minister distributes over $3M in Agro-Incentive grants

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Agriculture Minister distributes over $3M in Agro-Incentive grants

Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Kazim Hosein, on Monday distributed over $3 million in grants to thirty-one (31) farmers as part of Cycle 7 of the Agricultural Finance Support Programme (Agro-Incentive Grant) at the Ministry’s Head Office in Chaguanas.

The Agro-Incentive Grant is a pivotal component of the Ministry’s vision for a modern, competitive, and sustainable agricultural sector. It symbolizes the Ministry’s commitment to fostering innovation, resilience, and sustainability within the agricultural community.

In his address, Senator Hosein emphasized the significance of this initiative, stating, “Throughout our proceedings today, you will all recognize that the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries is not just funding projects. We are investing in the potential of our land, the ingenuity of our people, and the health of our nation.”

The Minister further highlighted the broader economic implications of the grant, noting that it extends far beyond immediate financial support. “By fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency, we are paving the way for Trinidad and Tobago to become a leader in the Caribbean’s agro-industry. This initiative is a cornerstone in our efforts to achieve food security, reduce our import bill, and open new avenues for export,” he added.

The 31 grant recipients represent a diverse cross-section of the agricultural sector, including small-scale farmers and large agribusinesses. The funds will be used for various innovative projects such as state-of-the-art irrigation systems, hydroponic systems, solar panel installations, shade houses, and farm improvements to meet Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards, investments in new breeding stock for livestock, and advanced fishing equipment.

Additionally, the Minister has been actively working to ensure that the administrative arm of the Ministry becomes more accessible and treats farmers and fisherfolk with the dignity and respect they deserve, given their profound responsibility. He highlighted the Agricultural Incentive Programme (AIP), which offers cash rebates and exemptions in 92 categories to support diverse agricultural needs. Eligible registered farmers and fisherfolk can benefit from incentives for vehicle purchases, integrated pest management systems, and advancements in livestock, tree crops, and agro-processing. Minister Hosein also emphasized that the farmers’ badge must be accessible to all, underscoring the Ministry’s commitment to supporting registered farmers and fisherfolk in their pursuit of excellence.

Symon De Nobriga, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister – Communications, also addressed the ceremony, urging farmers to seize the opportunities before them, “Today’s ceremony highlights just how important our farmers are to our future. It’s essential for our agricultural community to take advantage of the opportunities and grants being provided and actively seek ways to innovate and grow.”

In closing remarks, Senator Avinash Singh, Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries reassured the farmers that the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the agricultural community and looks forward to continuing to work together to build a resilient, innovative, and sustainable agricultural sector.