THA Claims 85 Million Dollars Needed To Clean Shoreline Following February Oil Spill

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THA Claims 85 Million Dollars Needed To Clean Shoreline Following February Oil Spill

85 million dollars is the projected cost being given by the Tobago House of Assembly to carry out shoreline cleanup work following the oil spill which affected the sister isle in February this year.

THA Chief Secretary, Farley Augustine, gave the update while presenting the budget for Tobago today during the 31st plenary sitting.

Augustine said this figure does not include the proposed 60 million dollars required for the proper disposal of waste at Studley Park.

He claimed to date the Assembly has paid  70 million dollars to contractors and suppliers

However, the outstanding payments to service providers and contractors at the end of April 30th this year stands at 51 million dollars.

The THA asked Central government for 153 million dollars in the Mid-Year Budget review but got 50 million dollars.

Augustine said payment to the fisher folk community has not yet been determined.