President Kangaloo Urges Population Be Inspired By Christ’s Selfless Example

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President Kangaloo Urges Population Be Inspired By Christ’s Selfless Example

President, Christine Kangaloo, urges the population to be inspired by the selfless example of Jesus.

Her Excellency in a message commemorating the occasion of Corpus Christi said “It offers the Christian community the chance to engage in both sober reflection and joyful celebration.

The Head of State said “In His darkest hours, He chose to bless humankind with the gifts of God’s enduring love, compassion, and mercy. “

She said this should inspire Christians and non-Christians alike, who, when they feel hopelessly wounded and utterly distressed, to look to God, the source of all strength.

“In his final hours on earth, fully aware of the indescribable suffering that lay before him, Jesus Christ chose, not to focus on His agony, but chose instead to leave for mankind, an enduring and most precious gift – the gift of the Eucharist and of the real presence of His body therein.

President Kangaloo is also wishing the entire national community a joyous, reflective, and love-filled Corpus Christi celebration.”