PCA Deputy Director “grateful” following reappointment

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PCA Deputy Director “grateful” following reappointment

“Grateful for the opportunity”.

This is the feeling of Michelle Solomon-Baksh who has been re-appointed as Deputy Director of the Police Complaints Authority.

Her absence left the PCA in a bind and unable to properly exercise its powers.

According to law, both posts of Director and Deputy Director must be filled for the organization to be properly constituted and fulfil its mandate.

This was said to be one of the contributing reasons behind last week’s protests by Beetham residents as they claim to have been told by the PCA that it was unable to commence any investigations due to the position not yet being filled.

The Police Complaints Authority has said President, Paula –Mae Weekes, has appointed, Mrs Solomon-Baksh for the maximum term of five years.

Speaking with News Power Now she assured the public that all the investigations currently before the PCA will continue and will be treated with concern.