Over 200 Local Nurses Sought Work Abroad During Covid-19 Pandemic

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Over 200 Local Nurses Sought Work Abroad During Covid-19 Pandemic

Over 200 nurses who were employed by the North West Regional Health Authority sought work abroad, between 2021 to 2023 during the Covid -19 pandemic.

This is disclosed by President of the Registered Nurses Association, Idi Stewart.

He warned with the coming on stream of more public health facilities and increased working hours; the shortage of nurses must be urgently addressed.

Stewart claimed the regional health authorities are under strain because of the development.

Stewart was questioned on what can be done to address the migration of nurses locally to carry out their profession abroad.

In his response, Stewart claimed there is need to put more resources in available nursing schools, having stipends in place and improving the salaries of nurses.

He also gave his views on the introduction and impact of Cuban nurses brought into the local system.

The Senior Registered Nurses Official was speaking on the Power Breakfast Programme on Friday.