Drivers ‘caught’ obeying traffic regs get free boat ride tickets by Grande cops

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Drivers ‘caught’ obeying traffic regs get free boat ride tickets by Grande cops

Ten law-abiding drivers were recently taken by surprise when they were “ticketed” for obeying traffic regulations while in the busy commercial hub of Sangre Grande.

The motorists were given complimentary vouchers for the Sangre Grande Police Station Council Fundraiser Boat Cruise which set sail tomorrow aboard the Harbour Master Grand Cruises at 8 pm from the C3 Marina, Western Main Road, Cocorite.

The fundraiser will offset the costs of several community and safety outreaches in Sangre Grande and environs.

During the road check exercise conducted by the Traffic Section, led by Inspector (Ag.), Allister Kistow, police also checked drivers and their vehicles to ensure the legal requirements to be on the nation’s roads were met.

Drivers and their passengers were also commended for being exemplary citizens and sensitised on traffic offences and violations that are detected by law enforcement on a daily basis.
Traffic cops also issued 40 fixed penalty notices for several infractions a part of its road safety campaign.