Carlsen Field farmers want increased police patrols, hotline and support services

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Carlsen Field farmers want increased police patrols, hotline and support services

In a bid to curb the recent spate of violence in the Carlsen Field area, farmers are suggesting a number of solutions.

In a media release, the Carlsen Field Farmers Revival Committee says it understands the fear the incidents, including home invasions, have instilled in residents.

It notes that it has held multiple meetings with key stakeholders and is preparing for a consultative meeting involving all relevant parties.

The Committee is recommending:

1. Strengthen Community Policing: Increase the presence and patrols of law enforcement in Carlsen Field to deter criminal activities and ensure rapid response to incidents

2. Enhance Communication: Establish a dedicated hotline and a community liaison officer to facilitate the reporting of crimes and ensure that residents’ concerns are addressed promptly

3. Promote Community Watch Programs: Encourage residents to participate in community watch programs, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and vigilance

4. Provide Support Services: Ensure victims of crime have access to counseling and support services to help them recover from their trauma

5. Improve Infrastructure: Invest in better lighting, secure fencing, and surveillance systems to enhance security across the community

6. Foster Economic Development: Continue to support farmers by providing training, resources, and market access to ensure their economic viability and resilience

7. Organize Safety Workshops: Conduct workshops to educate residents on personal safety measures and emergency response protocols