Watson Duke’s back on social media; says T&T Government is trying to set him up


Watson Duke’s back on social media; says T&T Government is trying to set him up

“This PNM Government of Trinidad and Tobago continues to “set-me-up” with the most ugly crimes known to man but thank God for honest citizens (like Dr. Kublalsingh and others) who understand the EVILS of this Government and speak out against it…Thank you all”

Since his arrest the PSA President who is usually active on social media hasn’t posted for an entire week, pending the outcome of his arrest.

The Minority Leader also shared a report by a newspaper; highlighting the country’s outdated sedition laws.

Dean of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies’ Law Fac­ul­ty in St Au­gus­tine, Rose-Marie Belle An­toine, ex­pressed concern about the coun­try’s mis­use of its sedi­tion laws.

Antoine agreed that the Sedi­tion Act, which was amend­ed in the late 1970s, ought to be re-ex­am­ined; this fol­low­ing the de­ten­tion and ques­tion­ing of PSA pres­i­dent Wat­son Duke for sedi­tion.