Some customers may have to wait longer than 48 hours for a return of their water supply.
This is according to Manager, Corporate Communications · Water and Sewerage Authority Daniel Plenty.
FROM noon today, more than 500,000 people will spend the weekend either without pipe-borne water or a reduced supply, as the Caroni Water Treatment Plant (WTP) shuts down for maintenance and upgrades.
The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) said yesterday residents in some affected areas will, over the next 48 hours, receive some pipe-borne water, but the majority will have to rely on stored water or other means.
Plenty told the Power Breakfast Show this morning that while the hope is to have customers back on line on Sunday, some may have to wait a bit longer for dry tap relief.
Plenty said that the planned shutdown was supposed to take place earlier this year however it was postponed due to the harsh dry season.
He also explained that the water trucking service provided by WASA is absolutely free and the trucks are marked with WASA signage.
He said anyone who seeks water from the Authority via their trucks and are charged for the service is being encouraged to make a report to the Authority.