UNC deputy leader, Dr. Roodal Moonilal, has called for President Paula-Mae Weekes to officially tell the country whether she was involved in the alleged agreement to provide a Presidential pardon to Vincent Nelson.
This after a report in yesterday’s Trinidad Express Newspaper claimed that Nelson’s statement of claim filed in the court alleged that then Attorney General, Faris Al-Rawi promised him a presidential pardon.
Nelson claimed that his attorney (Roger Kawalsingh), via text on June 18, 2019, confirmed that Al-Rawi indicated that the Government of T&T had agreed on granting the pardon, that this would be would be fast-tracked to have President Paula Mae-Weekes provide this within one month of Nelson being sentenced.
In a media release issued thie morning, the Opposition United National Congress is asking the President whether Her Excellency had any knowledge of or agreed to this planned pardon of Vincent Nelson since the President must sign off on all Presidential pardons.