TTUTA  elects its first female President


TTUTA elects its first female President

Antonia De Freitas is the new TTUTA President, the first female president in the union’s 40 year history.

The mem­ber­ship of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Uni­fied Teach­ers’ As­so­ci­a­tion cre­at­ed his­to­ry yes­ter­day when they elect­ed a fe­male leader.

And while the re­sults were still out­stand­ing last night, the woman se­lect­ed last evening is the first fe­male to lead the or­gan­i­sa­tion since its in­cep­tion in 1979.

The voting process beg­gan around 7 am and end­ed prompt­ly at 5 pm.

The oth­er posts which were con­test­ed by 11 can­di­dates in­clud­ed first vice-pres­i­dent; sec­ond vice-pres­i­dent; third vice-pres­i­dent; trea­sur­er; and gen­er­al sec­re­tary.

TTUTA’s outgoing President, Lyns­ley Doodhai said they anticipated between 7,000 to 8,000 persons to turn up to vote with a membership of over 11,500.

Doo­d­hai, who has served two con­sec­u­tive terms on TTUTA’s ex­ec­u­tive was statute-barred from con­test­ing yes­ter­day’s elec­tion.

He served as sec­ond vice-pres­i­dent from 2013 to 2016, and then as pres­i­dent from 2016 to 2019.