TTMA Says T&T-Guyana MoU: A Catalyst For Mutual Trade

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TTMA Says T&T-Guyana MoU: A Catalyst For Mutual Trade

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association is of the view the recent signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between this country and Guyana will assist in further solidifying existing trade relationships between both countries.

The MOU between this country and Guyana was signed on May 22nd.

It covers the areas of Trade and Investment, Agriculture and Food Security, Security, Energy and Infrastructure.

In a media release the TTMA says this is taking place following TTMA’s 3rd Trade Mission to Guyana within the last two years in March, 2022.

TTMA said was proud to have hosted His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali in November, 2021 at its President’s Dinner and Awards.

It said at the event His Excellency stressed the importance of CARICOM and the Carciom Single Market Economy working towards resolving trade issues among CARICOM Member States, allowing for the free flow of goods and services.

The MOU will serve as a catalyst for the promotion of free trade within CARICOM; while at the same time promote the deepening of the CSME process, allowing the tenets of true integration among a group of countries to be solidified as was envisioned by the framers of the CSME process.”

TTMA President, Tricia Coosal, said the  MOU will serve as a catalyst for the promotion of free trade within CARICOM, while at the same time promote the deepening of the CSME process.