TT To Benefit From IDB US5 Million Dollars In Technical Support

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TT To Benefit From IDB US5 Million Dollars In Technical Support

Trinidad and Tobago stands to benefit from grant resources from the Inter-American Development Bank valued at close to US $5 million.

Confirmation of this comes from Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles, in her recent capacity as Governor on the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Inter-American Investment Corporation.

Minister Beckles  emphasises this funding will have no financial strain on Trinidad and Tobago’s economy as it is in the form of technical support from the IDB for projects contributing to national development.

The Country Strategy provides the strategic framework for the Bank’s interventions in the country and supports the programming of resources, from the Bank’s various facilities, for both loan and technical cooperation grants.

The Technical Cooperation portfolio of the IDB contributes significantly to Trinidad and Tobago’s development agenda especially in the area of knowledge transfer of technical know-how and expertise.

The IDB is committed to building this portfolio and has identified twelve national technical cooperation projects for Trinidad and Tobago in 2022 based on Trinidad and Tobago’s national development goals as stated in the National Development Strategy: Vision 2030.