Tag: #erlachristopher

1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS
Pundit writes to CoP requesting crime statistics

Pundit writes to CoP requesting crime statistics

Aranguez-based pundit, Satyanand Maharaj, has written a letter to the [...]
CoP orders investigation into arrest of Brent Thomas

CoP orders investigation into arrest of Brent Thomas

The Commissioner of Police has noted with concern the judgment dated 2 [...]
PM requests full explanation from CoP on Brent Thomas matter

PM requests full explanation from CoP on Brent Thomas matter

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has expressed grave concern about the B [...]
Hinds says developing a crime plan is not his responsibility

Hinds says developing a crime plan is not his responsibility

In the midst of a spiralling crime rate, National Security Minister Fi [...]
1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS