SER And Huawei Open Second Phase For The Call ‘1,000  Talents’

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SER And Huawei Open Second Phase For The Call ‘1,000 Talents’

Multinational Technology Corporation, Huawei and the Mexico Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced the beginning of the second phase of the call for the program “1000 Talents for the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean”, which aims to promote the digital development and reduce the gender gap in the region.

This initiative is a response to the current lack of 200,000 workers certified on ICT around the world, in which women are the ones with lower participation on this field.

The call for the second phase of the program will close on March 28, 2022 and is aimed at students, professionals and academics who have studies or knowledge in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas related to ICT, who may be creditors of one of 1,000 scholarships available with a value of 200 dollars, for a total of 200 thousand dollars.

With the above mentioned grant, the participants will obtain access to curriculum on the most advanced digital technologies for the fourth industrial revolution which are: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud services, Internet of Things, and Storage and Data Communication. The chosen participants will start their online studies in June, and present their certification exam in September, 2022.

The call will be available until March 28th 2022 and registration must be done at

The requirements for applying to one of the scholarships are as follows:

  •  Recommendation letter from a professor or any other contact with job relation with the applicant;
  • English proof of language (except for applicants from English speaking countries);
  • Fill up the questionnaire available at:
  • Official identification or national identity document;
  • Certification or diploma on ICT obtained in the previous 24 months, which will allow you to have a better grade on your application.