SDMS head says religious bodies doing their part for the nation’s children

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SDMS head says religious bodies doing their part for the nation’s children

General Secretary of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS), Vijay Maharaj, said local religious bodies are doing their part and more to steer youth away from a life of crime.

Maharaj made the comment in response to a call by the Prime Minister on Tuesday, for religious bodies to assume greater responsibility when it came to taking care of the country’s children.

Dr Keith Rowley said these religious organisations had a clear responsibility and could contribute to changing the negative behaviours being witnessed today.

However, Maharaj said Rowley is looking for a “scapegoat” to blame for the country’s increased crime rate which has seemingly taken on a youthful face.

Maharaj said, “As far as I am concerned, the religious arms of the country…the religious boards and the churches, we are doing the utmost we can at this possible time.”

According to Maharaj: “What is happening is that young people, 14 years and over, are watching our leaders and their behavioural patterns and they are following it.”

He said, “The young people are seeing that today, and we are fighting the wave and the tide of trying to put them on a track that is religiously orientated.”

The SDMS head called on the population to see through the politicians’ machinations on election platforms as he criticised them for making that call now.