Procurement Act to be brought before the House on Friday

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Procurement Act to be brought before the House on Friday

Government is moving forward with its legislative agenda and has placed five bills on the order paper for the next sitting of the House on Friday.

One of those bills is the much talked about Procurement Bill, properly known as the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Amendment) Bill, 2020.

The Bill was recently used as a bargaining tool by the Opposition, who recently abstained on Government’s Anti Gang Bill, demanding that they first fully enact the original Procurement Act 2015.

In a Newsday interview, House Leader Camille Robinson-Regis confirmed that the bill is one of five bills being introduced and be taken through all their stages.

However, she denied that it was indeed a trade off to the UNC, as she said the Anti Gang Bill which the UNC rejected, cannot be brought back for another six months.