A Missing Persons Alert has been activated for 16-year-old NIJHA LEANNA HACKETTE, who was last seen on September 24, 2024—Republic Day.
The Police Service is urgently seeking the public’s help in determining her whereabouts.
Nijha Leanna Hackette, of Coconut Drive Farm Road, St Joseph, was reported missing to the St Joseph Police Station on Wednesday, September 25th.
Nijha is of mixed descent, approximately five-feet-ten-inches tall with a stocky build. She has short black hair, a round face, brown eyes, small mouth, and is light brown in complexion.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of NIJHA LEANNA HACKETTE is asked to call the St Joseph Police Station at 662-2522 or any police station. Persons also can call 800-TIPS, or contact the police hotlines at 555, 999 and 911.