Central businessman Mukesh Ramsingh, son of prominent Couva businessman Nal Ramsingh, has been selected by the PNM to contest the Pointe-a-Pierre constituency in the upcoming general election (GE).
As the PNM continues its screenings in nine constituencies are presently represented by opposition MPs, who all filed nominations to contest again: St Augustine (Kadijah Ameen), Fyzabad (Dr Lackram Bodoe), Pointe-a-Pierre (David Lee), Mayaro (Rushton Paray), Cumuto-Manzanilla (Dr Rai Ragbir), Caroni East (Dr Rishad Seecheran), Chaguanas East (Vandana Mohit), Moruga-Tableland (Michelle Benjamin), Barataria/San Juan (Saddam Hosein).
The sons of former deceased PNM MPs Franklin Khan and Manic Ramsaran are in the running among PNM nominees for Fyzabad and Caroni East, respectively. This was confirmed by PNM executive officials early yesterday morning after they completed the PNM’s first GE nominee screening exercise. That began last Friday evening and ended at 1 am yesterday. In June, the PNM mandated units in nine opposition-held areas to seek nominees and present names by August 15 with screening. The screening for four South areas was expected to be done last Friday. The other five areas will be done tomorrow.
Nominees for the four other seats to be screened are: Barataria/San Juan: Senate vice president Dr Muhammed Yunus Ibrahim, Social Development Minister Donna Cox, police officer Roger Mohammed, and businessman Shareek Ali. San Juan councillor Sudbir Sagramsingh withdrew.
St Augustine: PNM Senator/Minister in the Attorney General’s Ministry Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal. In the 2020 general election, Sagramsingh-Sooklal lost her attempt at St Augustine to UNC’s Kadijah Ameen, whose 11,943 votes defeated Sagramsingh-Sooklal’s 5,264.
Cumoto Manzanilla: Communication specialist Sabitree Singh-Saunders and procurement officer Latoya Reyes.
Chagunas East: Minister in the Ministry of Works/PNM Senator Richie Sookhai. He recently said it was “high time” there was a PNM representative in Caroni East, but it could only be done if there was unification among PNM party groups.