No transportation for students of Carapichaima Anglican


No transportation for students of Carapichaima Anglican

A lack of buses has forced students from Carapichaima Anglican Primary School to return home for the second day yesterday.

The students have not been able to start the new school term with the rest of the country. They have been sharing a compound with children from California Government Primary School since they’re school building is in need of repairs. To get to California though, they need transport and the buses have not come for the past two days.

Public relations officer of the school’s PTA Calisha Harry said she believes no accommodation was made for the students during the July/August vacation. She said the 141 students may have to pay to take transportation to come to school which may put a strain on the parents’ pockets. She added that most of the children come from single-parent and low-income families, and depend on the free buses which the Ministry agreed to send.

Harry is issuing a call to  Education Minister Anthony Garcia to intervene in the matter and organize buses to take the children to school.