No strike action, shortage of gas due to inability to purchase fuel


No strike action, shortage of gas due to inability to purchase fuel

Motorists may experience problems purchasing gas at Unipet stations today.

The company’s CEO Dexter Riley said there have been rumors that there would be a strike and consumers were warned that it would lead to the shortage. Speaking in a television interview this morning, Riley would not admit to a strike, rather he said that there will be problems with the ability to purchase fuel at Unipet gas stations.

Following the report of the shortage, the company issued a statement:

“In an ef­fort to re­duce our op­er­at­ing costs, Unipet and some mem­bers of the Pe­tro­le­um Deal­ers As­so­ci­a­tion (PDA) cut back their op­er­a­tions to­day with gas sta­tions sched­uled to re-open on Wednes­day 29th Oc­to­ber at 6:00 am. This is in an at­tempt to trim op­er­at­ing costs which have been se­vere­ly im­pinged by the Reg­u­la­tor not pro­vid­ing sus­tain­able mar­gins to the in­dus­try.”

Riley did not confirm whether or not there would be a meeting with the Regulator today, however he did say that Unipet remains committed to working out the issues within the shortest possible time. Some of the Unipet ser­vice sta­tions af­fect­ed to­day are San­ta Cruz, Char­lieville, Freeport, Co­corite, Ch­agua­nas and Cou­va.

Meanwhile social media reports quote the NP Chairman as saying that he does not expect that the NP stations will be shutting down. He said that they have been speaking to their dealers and have a level of assurance that they will not be closing.

He assured that they will not do anything to inconvenience the public.