Nicolas Maduro Asks Venezuelans to Share Love this Christmas


Nicolas Maduro Asks Venezuelans to Share Love this Christmas

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, expressed his wish that all Venezuelan families receive the blessings of the Child God this Christmas. The president used his account on the social network twitter to extend a fraternal greeting this holiday season.

“#The day has come when the Venezuelan people unite to receive the blessings of the Child God. Let’s enjoy the smile of the little ones in the house, share the love and renew hope for better times. From my Christian heart, I wish you MerryChristmas,” wrote the head of state.

As part of the Christmas festivities framed in the coronavirus pandemic, the Venezuelan government has recalled compliance with biosafety measures to prevent the spread of infections, which comparatively, Venezuela has had relatively at bay if we compare it with other countries in the region and beyond the continent.

The Bolivarian Government has sought a way to guarantee a happy Christmas to its people, in the midst of the pandemic, but also in the midst of a fierce attack on the country’s economy, financially and commercially blocked by the United States and its allies.

Even so, the government put the leg, the elements for the elaboration of the popular Hallaca and the toys for the children, so that this Christmas the deficiencies do not overshadow the celebration of a town that has resisted the attacks of a blockade classified as criminal by the institutions of the State.