Mosquito Infestation at Carapichaima West Secondary; School Reopens Monday

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Mosquito Infestation at Carapichaima West Secondary; School Reopens Monday

Carapichaima West Secondary School was closed today to allow for spraying of mosquitoes by the Insect Vector Control Department of the Ministry of Health.

Classes will resume on Monday.

It was revealed the school had a higher than normal occurrence of mosquitoes in late June 2024.

During that time the form two students were sitting the primary school leaving certificate exams on 26th and 27th June this year.

All students were accommodated under normal examination conditions with external examiners.

The update was given by Education Minister, Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, in the parliament today as she responded to concerns from the Opposition given the mosquito infestation at the school which has forced students to write exams outside, as well as reports of teaching staff contracting dengue fever, what immediate action is being undertaken to address this issue.

To date there are confirmed reports of any teacher contracting dengue fever.