MoE revises procedure for transfer of students entering Form 1

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MoE revises procedure for transfer of students entering Form 1

The Ministry of Education has released new guidelines for student transfers for Form One.

If you are interested in having your child transferred to another school, following the release of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) results this past week, the Ministry, via a release this morning, said transfers would be granted based on a student’s SEA performance, the proximity of the student’s residence to the school of choice, special education needs and availability of spaces at the requested schools.

The Ministry said a Transfer Committee was formed with the approval of the Permanent Secretary to treat with Form One transfer requests based on SEA placement.

The steps to apply for a transfer are:

1. Application forms, solely for the transfer of Form One students shall be obtained from the secondary school to which the students are assigned based on SEA placement.

2. Parents/Guardians are to complete these forms and submit on the day of registration only after the student has been registered at the school in which they have been placed.

3. The completed transfer forms are to be signed by the principal and submitted to the respective Education District Office to be forwarded to the Ministry of Education for processing.

4. Once granted, a letter of approval for transfer, addressed to the parent/guardian, is signed by the Chief Education Officer and copied to the relevant principals and School Supervisors III.

5. Upon receipt of the letter of approval for transfer, the student must immediately register at the school to which she/he has been transferred.

The Ministry said all transfer requests into private schools must be forwarded to the office of the Director of School Supervision for consideration and approval by the Permanent Secretary.