Ministry Of Rural Development And Local Government Advises On Approaching Weather Systems

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Ministry Of Rural Development And Local Government Advises On Approaching Weather Systems

The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government reveals it held meetings with its Disaster Management Units in all 14 Municipal Corporations as well as The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service and later with all Chief Executive Officers of Municipal Corporations.

This meeting addressed weather conditions being experienced today and systems expected to affect us over the next several days.

TTMS has advised whilst there are currently no alerts, watches or warnings in effect, it has noted in its Official Statement #4 issued today at 2:00pm that attention is focused on the development of an Area of Low Pressure (AL95): Located East of Trinidad, which has a near 100% chance of developing into a Tropical Depression over the next 24 hours.

In this regard as first responders, RDLG and the Municipal Corporations ask the public to note the following:

1.We will experience the usual effects of rainfall, gusty winds, and flash flooding from the expected weather systems:

  1. With medium to high chance of thunder storm activity by Monday 1st July 2024 with (i) cloudy skies with showers and a medium to high chance of thunderstorm activity beginning; and (ii) sea conditions expected to become further agitated, particularly along western and northern coastlines; and
  2. The potential effect of another weather system behind AL95 which may protract inclement and bad weather.
  3. RDLG underscores the importance of taking proactive measures to ensure readiness and response capabilities in light of the current and approaching weather systems and in particular to:
  4. Engage in Self Action – “Take Preventative Action”: Residents are urged to inspect their properties, nearby drains and water courses.

They should promptly remove debris or obstructions from their residential properties.

In light of the alerts by the Ministry of Health as to mosquito infestations, residents should eliminate open containers and attend to areas prone to pooling water and encourage larvae growth.

  1. Engage in Community Action – “If You See Something, Say Something”:

Residents are urged to report any debris or obstructions blocking water courses/ drains in their areas to their respective Disaster Management Units.

KENT HOUSE LONG CIRCULAR ROAD, MARAVAL | 868.622.1669 | [email protected] | RDLG.GOV.TT @RDLGTT

  1. The public is reminded that prolonged rainfall over several days may lead to land slippage and street flooding.
  2. All RDLG assets are on standby to support corporations affected by landslides, fallen trees and flash flooding.
  3. All 14 Municipal Corporations’ Disaster Management Units are on standby, and coordination with relevant agencies ensures a unified and effective response strategy.
  4. RDLG emphasizes the importance of community preparedness and proactive measures to mitigate potential risks associated with adverse weather conditions.
  5. Citizens are encouraged to stay updated through official communication channels for updates and advisories.
  6. Immediate assistance or issue reporting can be directed to local Disaster Management Units and Local TT mobile application.

RDLG remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens during this period of heightened weather activity.