A mini-mart owner managed to chop and scare off an attacker, who came into his business to shoot and kill a customer.
The incident took place on Wednesday night and the dead customer has been identified as 34-year-old Michael Junior Augustine, of St Michael Road, Tacarigua.
Augustine was at a mini mart in Maloney Gardens, Maloney, when a man dressed in a black hat, black T-shirt and blue jeans walked up him.
The man pulled out a firearm and fired at Augustine who ran into the mini-mart owner’s home.
The suspect followed Augustine into the home and fired several more shots at him, hitting him about the body.
The owner of the mini mart bravely took up a cutlass and confronted the gunman.
He managed to chop the suspect several times on his head and body without being shot.
The suspect then fled the premises after being chased by the owner.
Augustine was pronounced dead at the scene and several spent 9mm shells were collected. Police believe the incident is gang-related.
The search for the suspect is still ongoing.