Home*Cover Story*Weather update Trinidad and Tobago

Met Office update Yellow Alert Thursday 2:00am-2:00pm

The Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Of­fice has is­sued an ad­verse weath­er alert for Thursday Oc­to­ber 3rd 2019.

The Yel­low Lev­el alert will run for 12 hours from 2am to 2pm when a trop­i­cal wave is ex­pect­ed to pass over T&T.

The trop­i­cal wave will bring pe­ri­ods of show­ers, with a 60 to 80 per cent chance of heav­ier show­ers or thun­der­storm ac­tiv­i­ty. The advisory specified 2am alert time but the Met Of­fice says show­ers can be­gin to en­croach on South­east Trinidad be­fore 2am. Please take all the usual precautions especially persons located in flood prone areas.