Indarsingh: Scotland’s first 20 days in office brings no hope

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Indarsingh: Scotland’s first 20 days in office brings no hope

Couva South MP, Rudy Indarsingh said Keith Scotland’s first 20 days in office as Minister in the Ministry of Security, was like the last 9 years of PNM; he offers no change and no hope.

In a statement, Indarsingh said: “It is clear that after nine (9) years of PNM rule and despite the public’s expectations that the new Minister in the Ministry of National Security would hit the ground running, absolutely nothing has changed where crime fighting and the safety of our nation’s citizens are concerned.”

He said as MP for Couva South, he has received three accounts of violent crime affecting his constituents over the past week alone.

“In the first instance, a married couple of senior citizens were the victims of a brazen home robbery in which they were beaten. It is estimated that over a million dollars ($1 million) in cash and jewellery was stolen from their home during the ordeal.”

“In the second instance, a well known, humble family which sells doubles on Isaac Junction were the victims of a home invasion in which thousands of dollars in cash, electronics and other valuables were stolen.
In the third instance, a senior citizen and former Caroni (1975) Limited worker Edward Taylor of Otis Lane, Balmain was robbed of cash and jewellery Wednesday morning at 6 am.

All of these instances took place over the past seven (7) days.

Indarsingh said he noted with great anxiety as six (6) persons who were alleged to have been involved in home invasions in the area were shot by police.
This shooting took place on Razack Trace, Calcutta #2 in the vicinity of Mission Road, Freeport, which is a main thoroughfare used by constituents to move in and out of their homes.

“As the Opposition’s Shadow member for Tobago Affairs, I note with immeasurable concern the surge in crime that has taken place on the island, and the increasing frequency of such.”

Just yesterday, a jewellery store in Lowlands Mall in Tobago was robbed, and staff badly beaten.

“Seven (7) days ago, Victoria “Dolly Boss” Guerra – an alleged gang member, was shot in Argyle, Tobago. Her death confirms the emerging existence of violent gang crime in the sister isle.
Four (4) days ago, Dr Ayanna Parisienne-James was at a supermarket in Tobago when she was shot after using her body to shield her infants from bullets.”

Indrsinghs said the increasingly violent nature of crimes highlighted by the nineteen (19) murders which is new national record and the frequency with which they have been occurring in Tobago have been worsening under Tobago- born Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, longstanding Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds, Commissioner of Prayer Erla Harewood – Christopher and now new Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Keith Scotland.

“Minister Scotland needs to understand that none of his associates have made any headway with crime nationally, and because of this, his honeymoon was over before it even started.”

“Our nation is experiencing bloodbaths like never before and Minister Scotland has been in office for twenty (20) days. While no one can expect a miracle to the crime situation, we hoped, at least, for a little hope.”

Indarsingh said the bloodshed and criminality which continues despite Mr Scotland’s appointment steals any hope that his appointment may have intended to inspire in the existing Government.
It seems as though Mr Scotland’s strategy is based on using coal pots to cook solutions and bicycles to chase killers. ”

“He certainly did not hit the ground running, or he would understand the sense of urgency and despair and hopelessness felt by us, who are running from criminals on the ground.”

Indarsingh added that is abhorrent that Minister Scotland went to the Chaguanas Chamber of Commerce to beg for solutions to crime in that district instead of proposing solutions himself and providing leadership as he was elected and appointed to do.