Increased patrol by the TTPS at banking institutions


Increased patrol by the TTPS at banking institutions

Officers of the Central Division led by Supt. (Ag.) Wayne Mystar were out in their numbers today paying particular attention to financial Institutions in the Division.

This is part of a nationwide effort by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service to provide increased mobile and foot patrols around locations of banking institutions as people go about changing their old $100 bills.

Since the announcement of the new Poly­mer hun­dred dol­lar note, there has been mad fren­zy and long lines snaking around cor­ners in Port of Spain and San Fer­nan­do caus­ing both hu­man and ve­hic­u­lar traf­fic as cu­ri­ous mo­torists slowed down. The Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS) con­firmed it had in­creased mo­bile and foot pa­trols in the vicin­i­ty of bank­ing lo­ca­tions for the pro­tec­tion of cit­i­zens who went to change their notes.