Epidemiologist Dr Avery Hinds, maintains that T&T’s rate of Covid19 infection continues to plateau.
Speaking during the media briefing at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s, on Saturday, he said over the last two weeks there has been a very slow decline in the number of cases per day.
And, it is hoped that this slow but steady downward trend would continue.
Dr Hinds also said that the effects of changes made two weeks ago would now manifest among the population. Those changes being the easing of restrictions and reopening of certain sectors of the economy two weeks ago.
He said they will be carefully monitoring viral-related data within the next two weeks to determine if there were any adverse effects as a result of the increased movement of people.
Dr Hinds again urged the population to adhere to public health regulations to sanitize, wear masks, and social distance as they move about more and more.