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Government moving toward renewable and conservation energy use policy in Trinidad & Tobago

Senator Robert Le Hunte

Public Utilities Minister Robert Le Hunte in his Budget presentation in the Senate outlined governments approach to strategically moving the country toward a lower Carbon footprint in terms of its energy use. The minister spoke about the cycle related to moving through efficiency, conservation, and to renewable energy sources. He spoke about the retrofitting of state buildings to use less energy and save on the use of the natural gas which is used to generate our electricity in Trinidad & Tobago. The Minister also said discussion with the Chambers of Commerce have been positive in terms of getting the private sector on board in the process.The aim is to reduce our Carbon footprint from 60 million tonnes to 18 million tonnes by 2030.

Minister Le Hunte said that the government is also starting in the schools with refurbishing 30 primary and 30 secondary schools in addition to education programs targeting the school aged population to get them on board from early in their lives so we inculcate these conservation values in the lives and change the mindsets.

The Minister also said the ‘LED light bulb’ program as outlined on the 2020 budget presentation by Finance Minister Colm Imbert if effectively administered can result in toto a 45% reduction in their electric bills by just changing five bulbs in their homes. He said the projected saving is uo to 500 million dollars in gas savings annually.
The Minister referenced the program as part of a White paper n the National policy on Sustainable Community Development for Trinidad & Tobago 2019-2024.