Police are investigating an incident in Fyzabad this morning, which saw a 36-year-old man’s home being destroyed by fire, shortly after he was attacked and chopped by three men.
The victim told police that he was at his Grower’s Road, Fyzabad home around 1am, when he was accosted by three men, two armed with cutlasses.
The victim was confronted about some missing items, then chopped on the left side of his body.
The man said he managed to escape the hands of his attackers. However, when he turned around, he observed that his home was on fire.
The police and fire services were notified, and the wounded man was conveyed to the San Fernando General Hospital where he was treated to injuries to his left shoulder, arm, and back.
His condition was said to be serious.
Fire officers were able to contain the blaze from spreading to nearby structures.
However, the man’s home was destroyed.