Funeral for fmr.  National Council of Indian Culture President, Deokinanan Sharma, today Woodlands, Valsayn.

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Funeral for fmr. National Council of Indian Culture President, Deokinanan Sharma, today Woodlands, Valsayn.

Today the funeral of former National Council of Indian Culture President, Deokinanan Sharma, will take place Woodlands, Valsayn.
NCIC says there would also be a viewing at the Divali Nagar Site at 10.30 am before he is cremated at the Caroni Cremation Site at 12.30 pm.
The Council says Sharma died peacefully on August 23, “leaving behind a legacy of dedication and cultural pride.”
Sharma, born on March 14, 1937, journeyed from humble beginnings in Debe as the son of an indentured labourer to a prominent figure in the landscape of national and Indian culture in Trinidad and Tobago, “a testament to his resilience and commitment.”

Meanwhile, the National Joint Action Committee extends condolences to the family of Dr. Deokinanan Sharma, former President of the National Council for Indian Culture , as well as the Executive and members of the NCIC, on his passing.
NJAC remembers Dr. Sharma as one who was committed to the advancement of his people and the principle of National Unity.
In 2016, as President of the NCIC, he was very instrumental in the effort of the NCIC honouring the late Chief Servant Makandal Daaga by organising a Rainbow Dance Festival, at which his wife, Liseli Daaga, was a Guest of Honour.
NJAC views the passing of Dr. Sharma as a significant loss, not only to the Hindu community and the NCIC, but moreso, to the nation of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean region.