
EX FBI Special agent to help dismantle Gangs in T&T

Ex FBI agent Robert Clarke

A team of expertise an­ti-crime ex­perts has been engaged by a private busi­ness lob­by group to as­sist the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice in dis­man­tling and pros­e­cut­ing crim­i­nal gangs who have been linked to the ma­jor­i­ty of mur­ders in the coun­try.

Lead­ing the charge is for­mer Fed­er­al Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions (FBI) Spe­cial Agent Robert Clark, who has been very instrumental in curbing gang wars In Los Angeles since 2014 with his Innovative approaches.

His LinkedIn profile lists him as a Consulant with the TTPS

Clark was reported to have been approached by a group of pri­vate-sec­tor busi­ness peo­ple: “The T&T Cit­i­zens Al­liance Against Crime” sev­en months ago to part­ner with the TTPS. The T&T Cham­ber of Com­merce, along with sev­er­al NGOs and pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies, are mem­bers of this group which was formed in De­cem­ber 2018 out of deep concern for the crime situation in Trinidad and Tobago.

There is also reportedly a proposal for  Clark to be engaged as a se­nior Consulant of the Po­lice Ser­vice to op­er­ate his own spe­cialised unit, ac­cord­ing to cor­re­spon­dence shared among mem­bers of the group.

Sources indicate that Clarke has been hired Design and help implement a plan to help deal with  T&T’s out of control crime rate, es­pe­cial­ly the gang wars and murders.

Robert Clarke professional profile:

Proactive professional with 30+ years of practical, evidence-based and predictive analytic experience in law enforcement, domestic community collaborations, public service, violent crime reduction, domestic and international investigations, strategy development, program management and security consultation. Also, building community coalitions, law enforcement innovation, and training.
• 20 + years of demonstrated domestic and international executive leadership proficiency in the development of innovative and practical measures designed to address and reduce violent crime, gangs, drugs, corruption, international trafficking, and extortion.
• Advanced leadership perspectives and applications on building joint social, organizational and strong community-based collaborations nationally and internationally.