EMA warns of indiscriminate dumping

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EMA warns of indiscriminate dumping

The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) is warning of the legal repercussions for indiscriminate dumping.

The Authority says it has received reports of individuals using unmarked road tanker wagons to illegally dispose of liquid waste into watercourses and open land in remote areas.

It warns that indiscriminate dumping encourages the spread of diseases and can result in environmental degradation, clogged drainage systems, pollution and soil contamination.

Persons are reminded that illegal dumping is a criminal offense.

The Litter Act 27 of 1973, Chapter 30:52 under Section 3A (2) states: “A person who is guilty of an offence under this
section is liable on summary conviction in the case of an individual to a fine of four thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months or in the case of a body corporate to a fine of eight thousand dollars.”

The EMA is warning of a zero-tolerance approach and patrols of suspected area to apprehend unscrupulous individuals and companies.