DSS’s Kerron Clarke on vacation from TTDF and has not been removed from duty

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DSS’s Kerron Clarke on vacation from TTDF and has not been removed from duty

Kerron Clarke, founder of the Drugs Sou Sou (DSS), is on vacation from the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF) and has not been removed from active duty, as claimed on Wednesday by National Security Minister, Stuart Young.

Young told CNC’s The Morning Brew that disciplinary action was taken against Mr Clarke, as soon as it was learnt that the soldier was also the founder of the DSS.

But, Clarke’s attorney Sophia Chote SC, spoke to GML and denied that any disciplinary action was taken against Clarke as suggested by Minister Young.

In actuality, she said Clarke is on vacation, which started on October 16 and it is carded to end on January 10, 2021.

Minister Young later told the media house that he was “informed that Mr Clarke initially applied for leave which was granted and that he was subsequently sent on 83 days leave.”
Government is still holding on to the money seized from the DSS, pending the outcome of an investigation.

Last night, DSS members staged a candle light demonstration outside of the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann’s, with the hope of softening the PM heart and have the money returned =.