Children’s Authority Of TT In Transition Phase

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Children’s Authority Of TT In Transition Phase

The Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is in transition mode and is reviewing all aspects of its operations to ensure it functions efficiently.

It is a specialised agency with responsibility for the care and protection of children, especially those who are at risk or have been victims of abuse or neglect.

The Authority advocates for the rights of children, and encourages and supports them to enjoy their childhood.

100 million dollars was allocated by the government to this authority for this fiscal year.

Last year the figure was 132 million dollars.

Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sheldon Cyrus, made the disclosure at the 24th Public hearing of the Joint Select Committee on Local Authorities, Service Commissions and Statutory Authorities (including the THA) 150 million dollars was requested.

The meeting inquired into the Operations of the Adoption Unit of the Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago as it relates to the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Adoption Procedures in Trinidad and Tobago.