Christian Chandler, the head of the legal unit at the TT Police Service, has reportedly been hit with five criminal charges stemming from an incident aboard a yacht on August 5, 2021.
According to a GML report, Chandler was officially charged by members of the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB).
Chandler was charged under section 3(1)(c) of the Emergency Powers (No 2) Regulations of 2021, which currently makes it an offence to be found at any beach, sea, river, stream, pond, spring or similar body of water for recreational purposes.
On the date in question, August 5, Chandler was among 14 people detained aboard a pleasure craft off the coast of Chaguaramas and escorted to Staubles Bay by Coast Guard officers. The T&T Coast Guard said it had received information that a pleasure craft allegedly had more than five people aboard, contrary to the public health regulations.
The maximum penalty for a breach of the regulations is a $250,000 fine and six months in prison. He is also accused twice under section 206 of the Defence Force Act of wilfully obstructing members of the T&T Coast Guard.
That charge carries a $750 fine and up to three months in prison on summary conviction. Two more charges for possession of a firearm without a Firearm User’s Licence (FUL) were also said to be laid.