2 men robbed and thrown down precipice in Buenos Ayres

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2 men robbed and thrown down precipice in Buenos Ayres

Two Erin men were robbed and thrown down a precipice in Bueno Ayres on Friday morning.

The men, from Pepper Village, were on their way home shortly after 1 am in a Mazda vehicle when they were intercepted by a vehicle near the Buenos Ayres Government Primary School and two men stepped out.

The suspects announced a robbery, ordered the Erin men out of the car and hit both the driver and the passenger blows to the chest before ordering them to empty their pockets.

The robbers took $6,000 from the driver which represented his sales for the day from his bar. They also took both men’s phones.

The assailants ordered the men to the side of the road, then pushed them over the edge of the precipice, before making off in their Mazda which reportedly contained an additional $6,000.

Investigations underway.