Police to approach DPP in matter involving shooting of Pleasantville father

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Police to approach DPP in matter involving shooting of Pleasantville father

Police will consult the Director of Public Prosecutions’ (DPP) office for advice on the fatal police-involved shooting of Pleasantville father Jamie Walker in the next two to three days.

Walker, 39, of Pleasantville, was reportedly with his wife, Heather Sedeno-Walker and three of their children, ages 13, eight and four, when they pulled into the car park in front We Supermarket along the Naparima Mayaro Road in Cocoyea Village.

According to his wife an argument ensued between him and another individual after she went to purchase food at an outlet across the road

She said she looked in the direction of the argument she saw Walker and a security guard scrambling. She said the man pulled out the gun and she ran inside a nearby pharmacy and heard two gunshots.

Video footage of the incident showed Walker and the guard, an off-duty Special Reserve Police officer, fighting. The officer pulled out a gun and fired two shots at Walker at close range. Several people witnessed the incident.

Sedeno-Walker said she later walked back outside and saw Walker standing and talking with blood on his shirt. Walker, a former soldier, then lay down in the car park. She said the officer did not want her to go to her husband, so she called for an ambulance, but he died before help arrived.